Replacement Castor Wheels

Replacement Castor Wheels

Suitable for maintenance of castors.

Black Rubber Tyre, Steel Centre - Roller Bearing
bestillingsnummerdimensjoner (mm)Approximete
Load Capacity (kg)
Antall i pakken.pris/pakke/stkPris pr stk
491135801239255048 stk42 NOK68 NOK
4911361001239307036 stk54 NOK89 NOK
491137125154437,511020 stk92 NOK151 NOK

Compatible with 4436 - 4441

Black Rubber Tyre, Plastic Centre - Plain Bearing
bestillingsnummerdimensjoner (mm)Approximete
Load Capacity (kg)
Antall i pakken.Price for
package (stk)
Pris pr stk
491146801239255048 stk23 NOK38 NOK
4911471001239307036 stk36 NOK59 NOK
491148125154437,510020 stk92 NOK151 NOK

Compatible with 4436 - 4441

White Nylon
bestillingsnummerdimensjoner (mm)Approximete
Load Capacity (kg)
Antall i pakken.Price for
package (stk)
Pris pr stk
49113850821,5175548 stk5,7 NOK9,3 NOK
491139601027226048 stk11 NOK18 NOK
491140751027238048 stk27 NOK44 NOK
491141801027228048 stk19 NOK31 NOK
4911421001232279048 stk28 NOK46 NOK

Compatible with 4421 - 4435

Grey Natural Rubber, Plastic Centre - Plain Bearing
bestillingsnummerdimensjoner (mm)Approximete
Load Capacity (kg)
Antall i pakken.Price for
package (stk)
Pris pr stk
491143601027206048 stk23 NOK38 NOK
491144801027226048 stk27 NOK44 NOK
4911451001232288048 stk42 NOK69 NOK

Compatible with 4421 - 4435

Synthetic Rubber, Plastic Centre - Plain Bearing
bestillingsnummerdimensjoner (mm)Approximete
Load Capacity (kg)
Antall i pakken.Price for
package (stk)
Pris pr stk
49114950821,5194068 stk7,6 NOK12 NOK
491150631027226048 stk13 NOK22 NOK
491151751027246048 stk23 NOK38 NOK
491152801027226048 stk15 NOK25 NOK
4911531001232278048 stk30 NOK49 NOK

Compatible with 4421 - 4435

Prices are without VAT. If specified order number, please, it will add it to the selected type of goods. We will be glad to send you any quantity. In case of large subscriptions, please contact us.

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